[Translation] Yamada Ryosuke - BEST STAGE 0910

I am very happy to participate in the SUMMARY.
SUMMARY Cuandodecidimos's journey, I began to calculate for and not eating after 6pm, and I lost 2.5kg in a month.

SUMMARY This was the first two years ago, we were quite small, but this time we would like to do something with quality and we also have a goal, thinking step by step, get all practices made. Bailes, comfort and other things, we would like you to see something different than before.
Even though I'm afraid of heights, I personally would like to challenge me on the rope. At first, the height was 50cm, but I have to admit to having spent some 30 minutes to finish the third round. There is only sound in the hall, and I have to cross the source, it is very difficult to concentrate during that time, but still will work hard not to fall!

This stage was designed with the objective that young women like it, then it is very difficult to give opinions about it in general. However, despite all of that, it also serves to ensure that everyone enjoyed the show. Try to give all the best, the show will also emotions. Only because of this, I hope that everyone can enjoy this world with us.

cd : [ ♥ Funny Ai ♥ ]

Translated : Asian Lover'Z ^ Yuki_Ryosuke