[News]After School reveals song for the Red Devil

In March, it was reported that the group of girls idol After School will be the first group of girls to participate in the 2010 World Cup for the release of the albums a World Cup song.

Since then, many groups have published their idol lyrics World Cup and now has finally released After School dreams called again! And as many World Cup songs, this leads to a concept of applause and makes you say "the Reds, Reds Go, Go Reds" with them.

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Pada bulan Maret, dilaporkan bahwa kelompok gadis-gadis idola After School akan menjadi kelompok pertama gadis-gadis untuk berpartisipasi di Piala Dunia 2010 untuk merilis album lagu Piala Dunia.

Sejak itu, banyak kelompok telah menerbitkan idola mereka lyrics Piala Dunia dan sekarang akhirnya dirilis After School mimpinya menelepon lagi! Dan karena banyak lagu Piala Dunia, ini mengarah pada konsep tepuk tangan dan membuat Anda mengatakan " the Reds, Reds Go, Go Reds " dengan mereka.

credits : ShiBang Kp(Zyra)