[NEWS] HSJ - Magazine Myojo

-【MYOJO8月号Hey!Say!JUMP①】発見!JUMP内に5組のコンビいつも10人でばっかりいると、話せないこともある。JUMPの中でも、どこか特別な関係にあるコンビ5組が、思いっきり本音で語り合いました。おたがいへの愛をこめて。 5:29 PM Jun 14th via web.
【MYOJO8月号Hey!Say!JUMP②】今月は、対談5組! モバJOアンケートで読者によって選ばれた山田涼介&中島裕翔の対談に加えて、八乙女光&薮宏太、岡本圭人&有岡大貴、森本龍太郎&伊野尾慧、知念侑李&高木雄也の対談を収録! 5:31 PM Jun 14th via web.



Yama-chan x Yuto-kun (yamajima)
Hika x Yabu-kun (yabuhika)
Keito x Dai-chan
Ryuu x Inoo-chan
Chii x Yuyan (takachii)

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- Issue - Mon MYOJO8 Hey! Say! - JUMP Discover! JUMP Bakkari at 10 and five sets of time → in combination, may speak .... Among JUMP, five pairs in combination somewhere special relationship and shared in real intention might. Love to each other for challenging. 5:29 PM Jun 14th via web.

- Issue - Mon MYOJO8 Hey! Say! JUMP
- This month, five pairs talk! Moba JO Ryosuke Yamada was elected by a reader survey and in addition to the interview Yuto Nakashima light Yaotome & Kota Yabu, who Okamoto Kei and Arioka Hiroshi, Morimoto Ryuutarou & Kei tails Ino, Chii Chinen & recorded interview Takaki Yuuya ! 5:31 PM Jun 14th via web.


Overall, readers voted via mobile bone in: "mobajo" to choose a combination to match between those who wanted to JUMP for an interview of the couple. As a result of this survey, we would have the following:

Yama-chan x Yuto-kun (yamajima)
Hika x Yabu-kun (yabuhika)
Keito x Dai-chan
Ryuu x Inoo-chan
Chii x Yuyan (takachii)

cd : HSJ Funny Ai(Lui-Ka)