Following the information I tell them that and came to an end the meetings of the boys from Kat-tun with the lucky fans of the club official "Johnny's Famyli" in Japan, girls who participated were those who bought the album "No More Pain and received a ticket to enter a sweepstakes in which winners were warned via cell phone and received a password for the meeting with the boys from Kat-tun (That was what I did not remember xDD) were 5 meetings in total and each of the boys from Kat-tun was present in one of them while the others were re-transmitted by the camera in place, the places we visited were ....

- UEDA in Sendai

- KOKI in Shibuya

- MARU of Kagoshima

- KAME in Osaka

- Junno in Hokkaido

Because as I play them every one. Each chat with the lucky fans and answered questions they had written earlier, sang and joked with them for about an hour and end of each meeting for security managers were all perfectly controlled so that the fans were going in an organized and shake hands with the boy in question.

cd : Rescue Mexico

Translated English : Yuki_Ryosuke